Although they may seem harmless, cleaning wipes can cause damage and can impact your home and community.

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Unlike toilet paper, wipes do not disintegrate in sewer pipes.

Photo: Here's why SAWS says not to flush wipes down the toilet

"Wipes tangle together and form ropes that tangle in equipment and combine with grease to form blockages," the spokesperson said.

TANGLED MESS: Our brave crews recently pulled these colossal, entangled wipes/rags out of our sewers ?•? on the southwest side of #satx. Flush 🚽 only the 3 Ps: pee, ?’? & 🧻 #WipesClogPipes #txwater @JeffGSpursZone

— ?’𝐀?–?’ (@MySAWS) January 25, 2022

They can also damage equipment meant to clean the sewers and lead to plumbing backups at homes and businesses, which can be expensive to clear out, according to SAWS.

San Antonio's sewers are cleaned full time, but residents can help limit blockages by disposing of their wipes in the trash, SAWS said.