To use, apply to the stain, gently agitate with your fingers, and blot with an absorbent cloth. This is nontoxic and should be nonirritating on the skin!
Promising review:"I'm really disappointed I lived without this product for so long. I'm a clean freak and I'm always concocting ways to get stains out of things when I'm not steaming tile for fun. However, I have an overpriced wool carpet that my dogs have destroyed with accidents, bully sticks, and just general recklessness. Moreover, my kids have taken to tossing all sorts of heavily colored foods on the floor for the pups. I gave up on this rug ever being clean again. I've had it professionally cleaned and tried a dozen things myself... and no difference. So I thought I'd try this assuming that it wouldn't work on the stain-determined rug but that'd I use it on my less tenacious ones.I sprayed it on, reading the instructions saying that I didn't need to scrub it, etc. And minutes later, freaking magic. My very pale blue and white rug is virginal.I admit that I did rub it in a little on the harsher stains/discoloration but there were plenty of areas that didn't require any follow-up rubbing. I'm sincerely blown away and just ordered a second bottle. The price of this product is minimal if you're looking to make your rug/carpet like new again so I would absolutely recommend trying it. I don't think I've ever been this impressed with anything I've ever purchased. I feel cheated for not knowing about this sooner." —bubbleslovesoap
Get it from Amazon for $12.61.