Your newest iPhone 13 car survive water spills, drops, and a few more abuses before it gives up. But what if you drop it in a toilet? We have heard reports of iPhones surviving lakes and other water bodies but this! This is extreme by all means! And this happened ten years ago – a time when Apple did not care whether your iPhone will survive some splashes or brave through dust! The report from US Maryland talks about a Halloween incident that may have given the scares to the owner, and this is what happens.

For ten years, Becki Beckmann assumed that her iPhone 4S was probably lost or gone for good while she was partying during Halloween. At the time, she searched but couldn’t find it. Eventually, she moved on toa newer model and started leading her life. But little did she know that the Halloween scares of 2012 will come back to haunt her in 2022 – ten years later, when her toilet started making weird noise.

iPhone causes “banging noises”

Becki said that they had recently started experiencing an issue with their toiled that cased banging sound whenever they flushed it. After initially assuming this to be a construction issue, Becki’s husband plunged it out and to his surprise, he found the long-lost iPhone that Becki had last seen in Halloween of 2012!

iPhone in toilet for 10 YEARS! Man gets it out and THIS is what happens next

The same white iPhone 4S coming out of the toilet!

Her husband came running to her, saying she won’t believe what he found in the toilet. “This was so, so far from what I was expecting,” said Becki in a report to The Sun.

Does it start?

So, what do you thing happened to the forgotten iPhone? Did it wake up from the dead like Captain America?

Despite going through a hard life, the white iPhone 4S was is in surprisingly good shape. The phone’s display and sides had remained intact! The rear cover popped out though and, in the process, pulled apart the frame as well. This could be due to the battery swelling inside.

Did it start? The report doesn’t say anything about it but it seems the phone did not survive 10 years of living in hell. Even if they want to get it running again, there would be a lot of work to do before it boots up. In 2022, parts for the iPhone 4S could be hard to come by and we doubt whether it will be worth the efforts.