Here's how it works: Find a node and peel away the bract to reveal the bud. Apply a small amount of the paste and in two to eight weeks, a clone will grow out of the node!
Promising review:"This product is just AMAZING!!! I waited a few months before writing this review because i wanted to test the product first. I am just AMAZED! I have to say...depending on the season and the place on the spike where you apply it, you either get a keiki or new flower spike (which is awesome!). Based on my experiments: the lower on the spike, the more chances to get a keiki. The higher on the spike, the more chances to get a new flower spike. If you apply it during winter (tropical area winter) you will more likely get flower spikes. If you apply it during summer (tropical areas) you will more likely get a keiki — at least that's what I observed!" —Anne-Isabelle Bonifassi
Get it from Amazon for $14.99.
Check out the TikTok by @feezy.pdf.