Many workers are unaware of the potential hazards that chemicals present in their work environment, which makes them more vulnerable to injury.

According to the CDC, acute or short-term exposures to high concentrations of some airborne chemicals have the ability to quickly overwhelm workers, resulting in a wide spectrum of undesirable health outcomes that may include:

An OSHA inspection of Strong Industries Inc. of Northumberland, PA, determined that the hot tub manufacturer continued to overexpose workers to methylene bisphenyl diisocyante without implementing all feasible engineering controls.

PA Hot Tub Maker in Hot Water for Exposing Workers to Chemicals

OSHA cited Strong Industries for similar violations in 2020 and 2021.

On this occasion, Strong Industries will have to pay $98,905 for 2 repeat, and 1 serious violation.

The Immediately dangerous to life or health air concentration values (IDLH values) developed by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) characterize these high-risk exposure concentrations and conditions and are used as a component of respirator selection criteria first developed in the mid-1970s.

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